Hello & welcome to you, the wonderful business owner working and sharing your faith either by actions alone or with words too. Congratulations on being a beautiful example of Christ's love and hope. To say thanks for all your hard work here is a treat just for your business with real examples you can use straight away.
Summer 2020 is just around the corner, traditionally your marketing material should be scheduled and ready to fly out the door come Dec 1st. But this year, this big fat, weird, strange year .... is a little different.
If it's September 2020 and you are reading this, without a clue of where to begin - keep reading. When Summer 2020 rolls around; we all deserve to be celebrating Jesus’ birth and planning how exactly we will be relaxing over Christmas, not what to post on the biz page.
Welcome to the one-size-fits-all summer foolproof campaign. Designed particularly with Covid in mind, and those business plans that went out the window; then landed in the elephant graveyard of all pre-covid planned projects.

To begin, let's be in the right headspace.
1) Pray, have a look at your scripture of the month/year/season.
2) Think "Renewal" and keep your avatar in mind.
3) Think about your business position logistically, and in the market.
4) What is essential right now? Hot tip; don't say "make money" - derr that's business, be specific.
Do you need future-proofing? More subscribers? Grow market share in a niche? Connect? Build community? Learn from clients about new needs?
If this is mumbo-jumbo, we might be able to help :)
send me (Elise) a dm at @thevirtualmanagementsolution to learn more.
I am a self-confessed nerd who loves nothing more than seeing friends in business grow beyond expectations with God's perfect timing.
Okay, now you have all that information in your head - go for a walk, I'm not kidding, that's a massive effort, your brain needs fresh air to keep firing hard.
*insert elevator music*
Okay - now you are back and excited to go again. What is your best method of connecting B2B & B2C? That's important because we want to use this platform to connect.
Emails are ‘old-school'. It's a neat algorithm hack to use your best performing platform (for example I.G.) for casual communications . Then the "brain" or algorithm will see you are active, alive and legit and reward you with even more exposure.
Basically ‘What you water grows’. Or ‘Where you want to be, you need to be’.
Have you joined the dots yet? It would help if you were thinking about a collaboration deal without a sales pitch. To grow the community; to grow organically! It's about adding value without selling. It's about renewal; It's about building trust - who else has information-overload from news updates? Your client does.
Here is YOUR Summer 2020 Marketing Campaign; Save phone space, no need to screenshot - use the TRELLO board already designed for you - just ask, and I’ll send it over.

Content Creation + Community Engagement
Aim. Attract & Inspire; Encourage weekly client check-ins to the feed.
Cultivate the feeling of spring Renewal by collaborating with trusted brands in the industry, thus strengthening community connections while injecting further value to your social feeds.
Method. Weekly up loads using the same theme and time to post. Grow engagement, without obvious point-of-sale connotations to add value and improve organic growth, thus social media algorithms.
Actions. Contact "Friends of my business" via a casual I.G. D.M.
Invite them to join; with their industry tips to share on your socials.
Here is a draft you can use. ‘Collaborations’
Hello, beautiful I.G. friend. Happy Monday.
Community Engagement is "so my thing" so with that in mind I'd love nothing more than to reach out to you, as one of my favourites, to ask; if you would like to be involved in a "tips from a friend" feature for our @mybiz Spring 2020 campaign.
If this sounds exciting, reply here, and I will pop through more detail.
In a nutshell, I would send you a template asking a bit about you + your top 3 industry tips. Then I'll share it as a post on my I.G. feed + maybe stories too :)
I like to make 'loose plans' these days :) so feel free to put-your-spin on it :)
Or this might be more your style.
I’m a big fan of your IG (personalise by name), it’s a fab account and following you’ve created.
My name is x, and I’m a y from z.
I’m launching my Summer Campaign, which starts in December 2020.
What a wild year we’ve had! I’d love for us to connect and create content to allow both of us a break this holiday season.
It would be so great to ask you a few quick questions on your business to spread awareness on my page as a “friend of x”. I have an active and super engaging network who would benefit from your page as I have.
I’d be happy to return the favour.
Thanks for your time. Talk soon.
Then when they reply yes;
Yay, 😀 This is going to be so fun! All we need is
1) Your Name + Business Name:
2) How long have you been in this biz?
3) Three fun facts about you? E.g. Fav food, drink, way to relax, I.G. account, book in the Bible, season, sport, animal, how many children, dream holiday destination? Etc.
4) Your industry-specific or life tips/hacks
I’ll send you a draft to view, once that gets the go-ahead I’ll let you know what date it will go live :)
Thanks again
Still onboard?
Here is a month-by-month breakdown of what you need to do right now.
Identify business or loyal followers who complement your brand
Collate a list with contact details for each (approx ten)
Create additional engagement on their accounts with likes on I.G. and loves on F.B. and comment where possible. You may even tag them in relevant posts.
Draft your collaboration messages; keep it casual, with your business voice loud and clear :)
Continue to engage more than usual on their accounts
Send the initial D.M.'s - remember a DM is better than email for the usefulness in algorithm hacks
Towards the end of the month; Follow up on unread messages
Collate replies & group them to schedule as
Group 1 The Best few go first
Group 3 Least strong in the middle of the campaign
Group 2 Finish with the mid-strength posts
You may like to schedule via Hootsuite or similar but make sure to task someone with engagement
Interact and engage on the posts - especially in the first 15-30 min after posting
Review as you go but not too much reflect in detail once finalised
Hot tips'
Schedule well ahead of time, so when Summer hits, your content is ample and leisure time guaranteed.
I have implemented this exact campaign over at @thevirtualmanagementsolution on the gram head over to watch and grow through this example.
For a free Trello board designed as a fluid campaign angled at an organically growing niche community. Contact @thevirtualmanagementsolution
Going live if you're brave will be the most beneficial, and you can even read out tips from complimentary business' if that suits your brand better.
If you are confident about going live, consider inviting them to go live with you, short 'interview' style.
Some ideas to collaborate with your biz. Photographers, makeup/beauty clientele, interior designers, motels, cafes, local attractions, real estate agents.
Goodluck :)

Elise Springwoods is the owner of Virtual Management Solutions
A Kingdom business inspired to improve community engagement for small business owners. We are enabling you to transform your business with an online platform. By creating a clearly defined brand voice, to increase visibility and grow your audience.
Also, available are bookkeeping services including BAS, Social media mentorship, newsletters, virtual management tasks, and so much more!

The Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs is a Sisterhood Community for The Vision Builders, Boundary Breakers, Passion Igniters; Called & Anointed To Shine In Their Uniqueness & God Given - Calling.
Come and join our FREE KWE Facebook Community and join in the conversation!