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How to Stay Proactive During Hardship By Keresha William-James

Writer's picture: Kingdom Women Kingdom Women

Philippians 3:10 “That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.”

Hi there,

My name is Keresha Williams-James, a Registered Midwife, a Christian Life Coach who specializes in Healing/Career coaching. I am an Author, speaker, Reflexologist, a wife and a mother of 4 wonderful kids and last but not least a Child of the living God.

This is a season in which we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The bible tells us of his death, burial and resurrection.

This of course gives me hope that He died, that I may have life and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10).

My life wasn’t always like this.

My story is one of perseverance, faith and how the grace of God has kept me.

I can relate to the struggles in your life because I have had them too…

When I first started designing my life, I was concerned because to others, I was the same old Keresha…Yet I knew I was very different.

I had an aim; a purpose for my life.

But what caught me off-guard was how my transformation actually influenced other people around me too.

Life was nothing but though for me.

I knew what it’s like to struggle with the shame of abuse, and feel hopeless that life can’t get any better. I was struggling inside with walls up, mask on. I had really low self- esteem, no confidence and I never felt good enough. I was a people pleaser, wasn’t able to make a decision without someone’s approval. I worried about everything - how I looked, what I said, what I did, how I did it…and that was exhausting! I felt I had nothing to offer, and closed myself off, particularly in social situation.

As a child I struggled with self- confidence because of the colour of my skin.

My grandfather called me “Black Anancy” and made fun of me. To me black was a crime and so I grew up with anger and resentment.

In 2005, I was raped and abused.

I was depressed and wanted to die.

Everything was an effort, days went by I would lay down staring at the ceiling and couldn’t manage much more.

At age 30, I had 4 children and was without a career after failing numerous times at Teacher’s College. Nothing seems to be working out, I was just stuck!

I failed literally at everything I tried. I broke down one night when my eldest son asked,

“Mom, will our lives always be like this?”

Something inside of me snapped.

Eventually I could bear it anymore.

At one point I couldn’t leave my home, I was dizzy, breathless and was diagnosis with chronic fatigue. I finally found out I had anxiety. I knew I had to do something because my health was suffering. Giving up not an option! I was bored with my own “Poor me story” and made the decision to take charge of my life. Overwhelm isn’t funny to deal with!

Had anyone said to me a year ago that I’d be putting myself out there as a coach; I never would have believed them, which would require confidence, stepping outside my box, and taking action!

I started to seek God and learned more about how powerful I am, and the huge amount of knowledge gained through my experiences, I’ve really dug deep and spent a lot of time rediscovering me. I realized I had the tools in my backpack and looked back into my life…my mess was my message. My scar became my stars!

In Romans 5:3-5, Paul says that we can rejoice in our sufferings because we are people of hope: “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us”

Success occurs not through hard work, but through renewing your mind with the Word of God. Because through the Word you grow faith and receive insight from Holy Spirit to succeed at the entrepreneurial calling that God has placed in your heart.

My business started in 2019. When I discovered a way to overcome stress and use it to my advantage to create wealth. I had to find ways to cope with what I was going through. I had to do it for my family. My health was suffering, my family was suffering! That’s when I started to find things that relaxed my mind. I started writing, which helped me to de-stress and Reflexology, so I became a Certified Reflexologist. I was fascinated with how it helped others.

My soul mission is to support women with their emotional and mental well-being, clearing their fears and limiting beliefs from inside-out. I offer solutions that can not only help them release anxiety and stress but also help them to overcome self- sabotage.

You might be stressed from financial pressure or never having enough time. You may feel exhausted from parenting little kids or defeated from working a job you don’t like. Those are real challenges, that you need help overcoming. But if we only work on our time problems, money problem or energy problem, we’re just putting a Band-Aid over the issue, and it’s likely going to come up again.

Here are three simple steps that you can use to dig deep within and get to the root of the issue:

1. Reflect on your past.

To understand where you are today, you have to understand how you got here. This first step is essential to identifying deep-rooted beliefs and values that shape who you are. This stage is also important for identifying patterns-good or bad-that reflect how you live your life. This helps you understand yourself more thoroughly so you can grow from where you’ve been in the past.

2. Realise the season you’re in.

Many people set goals and resolution without taking their season of life into account. Identifying the season of life that you’re in and the opportunities and limitations that come with that will help make the most of it. For example, having a clean house might be something that is important to you, but if you have several young children, that goal might be more difficult in this season of life. When you identify the season of life that you’re in, you can make better decisions about what’s right for you right now.

3. Reach for what you want.

Once you’ve reflected on your past and recognized the season you’re in, it’s time to

dream. What do you want? Where do you want to be in the next three or six months? Where do want to be in the net season of life? Dreaming and casting for a vision for the future helps you know what goals and tasks to focus on today to get you there. You can be present in your current season while preparing for the next one.

I was never supposed to be a Midwife, an entrepreneur, an author, a wife, a survivor, no that was never supposed to be! At least that’s what the devil intended. Yet, I was worthy enough for God to make whole, worthy enough to be an overcomer and precious enough to be given his grace.

We can’t expect to step into our God-given potential if we don’t invite God into the picture!

But when we look to God for everything we need in our lives, from directions and decisions to provision and protection, we can see everything else in our life more clearly.

John 15:4 (NIV) says, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.”

The greater the enemy comes at you, the greater Jesus is in you.

Maybe you hear voices telling you to just quit, give up, and let it go.

Don’t stop. When you are, He is strong. Remember the greater the attack against you, the greater Christ is in you, but you have to rely on His presence, His provision and His power.

This week take a moment to write down what you are suffering from or struggling with and place it in an envelope. On the outside, write, “God’s got this, and He is transforming me.” Now when that challenge comes to mind remember to rely on him.



The reason for my hope is Christ. He is my life, my strength, my motivation and because He is, I AM Keresha Williams-James.

I am a Registered Midwife, Author, Motivational speaker, The Completion Focused Christian Life Coach which specializes in healing/Career coaching.

I am a proud mother of four wonderful children who are my fuel, strength and pride and a wife to an adorable husband. My family is my source of motivation and I am proud of who I have become.

Creating a successful life isn’t out of reach, once you believe in the power of your dreams and get yourself together, you can live your dream life at the tip of your fingers.

It is my honor to offer online programs, workshops and live events to help people learn to master their lives by learning to master stress and emotions.

You can follow me on my Facebook Page: The Completion-Focused Coach

and on Instagram: @thecompletionfocusedcoach


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