These days the word abundant is everywhere!
Many are searching and trying to live “an abundant life”.
I am wondering, what does it mean to you having an abundant life?
We live in a world where possessions and money have become the benchmark to determine our worth and success in society!
Are money and possessions something you have been trying to obtain?
It is interesting to know that the apostle Paul talked about abundance and contentment from a prison cell! He possessed nothing but he felt abundant, how?
So do we need all the stuff and money to feel abundant?
Or are we running the wrong race?
We all know that money is necessary but shall money determine how abundant we feel?
No matter what we do, there are ads everywhere : on social media, on tv, asking us to buy stuff to create the dream lifestyle.
Materialism is the biggest trap and the reason why so many work so hard to have more money. Some even go into debt because of it.
Isn't it exhausting to be pressured to be more and to have more to become somebody so-called important ?
Let me ask you something : do you find yourself thinking or saying “ I will feel happy when I have x amount of money?” or “I will feel abundant when my business makes 6 figures!”
We all need money to live and pay our bills. It is so easy to start focusing on making more and having more. Yet, are those thoughts consuming your mind?
Are you copying the behaviours of the world by putting your hope and security in money?
Be careful! That is an illusion.
Solomon, the richest man in the world, reminds us that "those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings happiness" (Ecclesiastes 5: 9-10).
As a faith-based money coach, I would like to clarify something here. Having money or wealth is not bad. The love of money is! That is when making money and having more become your main priority and it becomes more important than following God commands.
Unfortunately, the love of money has caused so many to wander from Christ.
Remember Matthew Chapter 6 verse 24 : “no one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other ; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money".
You need to make God first in your life and finances. Also, God asked us to honour Him with our wealth and everything we have. We are called to be good stewards.
It is ok to receive wealth from God and good health to enjoy it.
But what is most important is having a relationship with God and helping others.
God gave you free will! Money is a tool and you decide what you will do with it.
It is your choice, so what will you do with His blessings?

Did you know that there are over 2000 verses in the bible about money and possessions?
God knew that money could be the thing that would take our eyes away from Him.
God can bless you with wealth and a successful business.
However, as a faith-filled entrepreneur, you need to have a “giving goal”, not just profit and revenue. Your success can make an impact in the kingdom of God and bless so many other women.
I know that giving and letting go of money can be very hard!
That is unfortunately a heart issue! You may have a scarcity mindset (you worry that they won’t be more) or a greedy mindset (you are craving to have more). Both mindsets mean that you don’t trust God to provide and look after your needs. You are putting your security and hope in wealth! Remember, you came into this world with nothing and you will leave with nothing.
In the book of Proverbs, chapter 11 verse 14, it is said: “Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death”. Then in verse 28, it is said: “He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous shall flourish as the green leaf.”
No amount of money can save you. So I am here to tell you true wealth is in Christ alone, not money or possessions. Having an abundant life is being contempt in Christ.

So what should we do to stop copying the behaviors of this world and become a better steward of God’s blessings?
First, you need to spend time in His words and with Him every day.
Second, you have to stop worrying. I know it is easier said than done!
“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but “your heavenly Father already knows all your needs” (Matthew Chapter 6 verses 31-32).
Third, you need to manage your money.
If you want to stop thinking or worry about it, you need to have a plan.
You must know where it is going, how much you own and owe.
Then, decide what you will do with God's money because at the end of the day we are God’s money managers. All things belong to Him!
Last, focus on heavenly treasures and glorifying Him through everything you do.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need”, is a beautiful reminder from Matthew 6 verse 33.
So you will start living an abundant life when you remember who you are in Christ and what He has done for you. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago”, what an amazing verse from Ephesians 2:10.
Everyday look for three things to be grateful for, don’t compare your life with those of others. Remember, God said : “my grace is enough”!
God has a plan for you, stop focusing on wealth but focus on Christ!
Being abundant is not about what you have, but it is all about what you give.
God loved us so much that he sacrificed his only son Jesus so that we could be part of His family. How amazing to think that we have been redeemed. And because of that free gift, we can now call God, the creator of the universe, Abba Father. WOW!
Being the daughter of the King and being in His presence, that is what having an abundant life is all about!

Raina helps faith-filled women entrepreneurs go from stressed and overwhelmed about money to feeling financially confident by making managing money fun so they can honour God with their finances.
Raina created a unique financial method called V.I.P which is more than money management, it's a life style change.
This method helped her and her husband pay off their mortgage in 5 years while honouring God with their finances and living life.
If you want managing money to be fun, empowering and are serious about achieving your financial goals God's way, she is the perfect money coach for you.
Find her online at:
Instagram: @funmoneyhabits

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