If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 4:11
Have you noticed that when you are joyful, your joy overflows into all aspects of your life? The opposite is also true. When you lack joy, it saps the energy and motivation from all areas of your life.
The past year has been emotionally and mentally draining for me. I was pregnant, lost my job, and gave birth in the midst of lockdown. And if that weren't enough, as the team leader for Communications in our church, I had to oversee our transition to online worship and ministry.
Of course, I do recognize the many blessings God provided despite the craziness of the past year. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, started my own business, and grew a BIG team of committed volunteers for ministry. My family has been safe and healthy all throughout the year. God never failed to supply our needs and meet our financial obligations.

However, the day-to-day demands of family, business, and ministry while being in the longest lockdown (yes, we're still in quarantine here in Manila) do take their toll. To be honest, there are days where I just go through the motions with neither joy nor love for the work for the Lord. On bad days, I struggled with confidence as a new business owner and wondered if I should go back to the corporate world. I resented the daily (and seemingly never-ending) barrage of requests and tasks for the ministry. I cried through many personal and family issues. It made me feel so bad I wondered if I was a good enough wife, parent, daughter, and servant of the Lord.
And then His Word, like in 1 Peter 4:11, nudges me to repent.
Repent, and be refreshed by no one else but God Himself. "If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides." After all, He promises to provide the strength so I can serve. Not just serve, but serve so that Jesus may be praised and glorified, "so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ!"
Indeed, He reminds me that it is never about whether I am good enough or not. Sisters, it's never about us being good enough!
He alone is good.
He alone is enough.
He alone strengthens us to serve and glorify His name.
My dear kingdom women, wherever you are called to serve today, I pray we always turn to our greatest Source of strength and joy.
He supplies the strength as you serve your husband, your children, your family.
I don't know how the past year has been for you. How you've been challenged by homeschooling, working from home, evaluating your finances, taking safety precautions, or maybe even suffering from sickness or death. God promises to sustain and carry you through this season.
He supplies the strength as you serve in your business.
Whatever the nature of your business, the bottom line is you serve people.
You help people; you give value. And while you can sometimes be tired, drained, or unmotivated, God has given you that specific gift and place to serve for a reason. And know this: when He is the one Who calls, He is the one Who equips and sustains.
I pray that in the bad days, we raise our eyes above our own feelings of insecurity, inadequacy or frustrations, and look up to the bigger vision God placed in our hearts. Embrace it and claim the victory! Raise your head high and serve with love and joy.
He supplies the strength as you serve His body, the Church. With everything that is happening around us, the world needs the Church to be its salt and light. The world is in dire need of love and compassion right now. You and I have a place in that work, sis. Whether it's behind a computer, on a microphone, or out in the field, may our service speak loud of His love, grace, and mercy and draw people into His heart.
Our journey of serving Jesus is not perfect; it is riddled with challenges, mistakes, and shortcomings. But instead of being discouraged, may we look to Him Who is perfect, and open our arms to receive His daily sufficient grace.
May we cast our weary eyes upon the cross, and find the strength to persevere and continue on, until the day He calls us home.

Vannie is a wife, mom of two, and a software architect for 14 years.
Life happened, and now she has gone back to her passion for visual and written expression and bringing it to the social media platform.
As a social media manager, she helps faith-based entrepreneurs grow a strong social media presence as they take their biz to the next level.
She also serves as Head of Communications at Proclaim His Name Christian Fellowship, overseeing its IT, Tech, Creatives, and Media ministries.
She loves writing and encouraging young mothers through her personal blog on Facebook, "Love, Mama V." You can find her business accounts on Facebook and Instagram @vannieroxsocial.

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