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Working With All Our Heart In Everything We do By Larissa Wright

Writer's picture: Kingdom Women Kingdom Women

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." - Colossians 3:23-24

I’d love to be able to admit that I am a perfect example of an amazing Christian business woman, wife, mother, friend. That I am always trusting in God. I always put God first in everything. I desire His ways always and am committed to living for him in all I do. This would however be a lie...

I will be the first to admit I am a completely fallen person. Sinful and constantly desirous of my own outcomes and not his. In life, business, marriage and well everything. As we all are...

THANKFULLY God as we know is forgiving. He desires to bless us in life, family and business. He is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. So… Despite my many failings he holds me up in all I do and is committed to my wellbeing.

As I reflect on Colossians Chapter 3. I am reminded of who the Lord is and as a result how this impacts us all… Let’s start with some of God’s qualities.

- Genesis 1 tells us that God created everything. Hence he is the Sovereign creator. By his word creation came about and had its very being. This shows both his power and creativity.

- Genesis 1:27 explains creation of man and woman. He created humans and he created them above to care for the rest of creation. We were made for him. We were made special and to be in relationship with him.

- God is Holy. He is set apart from humanity and is to be revered as such. As he is holy he calls us to be holy also… But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct 1Peter 1:15 - God is gracious and merciful.

The Lord is gracious and merciful; Slow to anger and great in loving kindness. (Psalm 145:8)

- The Lord is loving and compassionate.

We know this because of his ultimate act of sacrifice of sending his son to this earth. Jesus who gave himself on the cross as a living sacrifice. The Holy Spirit remained our earthly counsellor, teacher and comforter.

How does God’s qualities and character impact us?!

Back to Colossians 3…

‘… Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart…’

The focal word here really is Whatever.

The implication is that in everything we do, we should do it for the Lord. It’s not a pick and choose kind of emphasis. You can work at some things and not others. I can’t choose to work really hard at my business and then neglect my family. I can’t build my relationships with my family and then just do a half hearted job at my business.

It’s pretty clear in Whatever I do I am to work at it with ALL my heart. It’s a command.

How well do you do this? Ever fall short ? I do.

Often it's easy to feel:

  • Complacent - to just let things roll along in life. With no passion. No desire to do our best. To just do stuff with little thought.

  • Fear - I know I am not the only one to feel fearful a lot. To decide I can’t do this or that because I allow worry to overtake.

  • Lack of motivation - I often just can’t be bothered in life, marriage and work.

But again the next part of the verse is clear we are working for the Lord, not ourselves or human masters.

Someone once described God as our CEO. I like this. As God is our ultimate Master when it comes to life, business everything - the way we live and the way we look at what we are doing. Our motivation is that we are working for the Lord. So… we will be doing everything with all our heart.

This means:

  • Fear, anxiety, worry and the emotions we that seem to be so real to us really should be what propel us into action. The bible tells us that ‘Perfect love casts out all fear’ (1 John 4:18). With this in mind, fear really should not hold us back. If you feel fear and I believe we all do. Pray. Pray for God to help you to overcome what is holding you back.

  • Complacency will simply hold us back. With our desire for God and for others. Letting go of complacency will enable us to make a difference to others. ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.’ (Proverbs 3:5)

How can we work in everything we do, in Life and business trusting God as our Lord and master?

1) Having an active prayer life is important. I highlight the word active because it is easy to be passive. For me the best time to pray is in the morning when I wake and before I go to bed. This is a great time to commit what is happening in life and business to God.

It is easy to pray when there are only BIG activities going on and to forget that God cares about every aspect of our life... But. We are to pray about everything …

‘In everything by prayer and petition… (Philipians 4:6)

A few years ago I went through a dark period in life. It was a time when I turned to God and he worked through my anxiety. It is through these times we are commanded to pray. To commit what is happening, WHATEVER to God. Even when we just don’t know what to do.

For your business pray.

For your marriage pray.

For your kids, pray.

We need to pray…

2) Being part of an active, committed church community is important.

I love going to a church where I am inspired and taught the word. I love communities where we can look at what the Lord says and how we can apply it to our lives.

Whether this means on zoom (as it has a lot for us this past year). Whether we go to a connect group. Or whether we attend Sunday church. Being part of something that is our community helps us to grow and develop.

There was a time when I was full of hate, disappointment and I lacked joy in my life. Through this time (actually it was inspiration through a Christian business community) I learned to forgive. To grow in relationships and to take the next steps in my life and business.

3) Having a thriving mindset is important.

I do believe that God created us to be in relationship with him. The way we look at life. Ourselves. Our business. Our overall mindset is significant because it shapes everything we do.

We can go about life in a dull, negative way and we really won't get very far.

God created us for greatness. Not to live mediocre lives. As much we are to speak life into what we say and do. Negativity taints everything and keeps us stuck.

I realised last year a lot of the struggles I was in had been created by the words I spoke into them. Our conscious language dictates a lot. It shapes our business. It shapes our children and it shapes our marriage. When I say I cannot do something it is hugely likely I will not be able to…

When I reframe my words I change the energy around what I am doing and where I want to go. Our mindset propels or keeps us back.

4) Have an abundance mindset

Following on from the above an abundance mindset means that we don’t look at life and business as sparse. A friend explained this as there is plenty to go around - for everyone. Sometimes I am worried, perhaps jealous of others and their success. The old saying ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ comes into play.

But when we live working as to the Lord then this attitude doesn’t need to dictate our behaviour or attitude.

For me I love to be part of a tribe. Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs is one I love. I have seen many other Natural therapists in the group. I am sure there are others who are into Low Tox living also and others who love Essential oils.

The great thing is we can all be amazing at what we do and there is blessing for everyone. I do not need to live in worry that I will miss out in any way. We have all been made for greatness in his image.

5) Having an attitude of service is important

One of the things I ask myself daily is ‘Who can I help serve today’. When I think about service I mean who is it I can support. Who can I give a referral to? Who can I promote? Who can I edify? There are many more ways we can serve others.

It isn’t always easy to serve others though.

It is often easier to think about ourselves first and neglect others. I have found that when I pray and ask God to guide me in this. It becomes a lot easier. For some people serving and supporting them means to simply reach out and ask them how they are going.

Who is it who needs you to serve them today? When we adopt this attitude and behaviour I believe we are abundantly blessed in our work. In our life…

6) Putting God first in all we do

This is the most important point…

When we begin to do this life and business somehow seems to begin to flourish. We are blessed beyond all measure. The above points I mention begin to fall into place and are no longer a chore.

Sometimes it means making different choices to what we would like. This isn’t always easy.

Sometimes we are convicted by the Holy Spirit to make changes and this conviction is exceedingly strong. The decision to change is then up to us.

This year I was convicted to leave the Lord's Day (I mark this as a Sunday) as sacred and as a rest day. I had done so in the past, but with covid19 affecting church and things that kept on coming up on a Sunday, the ‘Sabbath’ became like every other day.

I did however feel this convictied that I needed to mark the day as set apart. I was also convinced that when I did this God would bless my work.

I know this isn’t always the choice for everyone. But for me it was. So I made the choice.

Putting God first for me means:

  • Committing to reading my bible and praying - how can we have an active relationship with God without communication?

  • Setting aside time for church

  • Sunday is rest day

  • My relationship with God comes first, my husband second, family next and then friends.

...since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.

It is the Lord Christ you are serving…

Why we are serving the Lord is just as important as how. That word Inheritance is significant. Our inheritance is ‘one that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you’ (1Peter 1;4).

The idea of inheritance again highlights our relationship with our Heavenly Father. A relationship that is special. Set apart.

Inheritance usually occurs when a death has occurred and as a result something of (usually) importance is left for the person: money, land, possessions.

For Christians we know our inheritance is eternal life. Only made possible through the blood of Jesus and the resurrection.

So while we are to work with all our heart for the Lord -the benefit - the result... The amazing outcome will be at the end of time that we get to spend eternity with God our Father. Our creator. Who loves us. Who is gracious to us and who blesses us beyond all measure.

When we look at this as the result of our effort it is all worthwhile. Working at whatever we do makes complete sense and is no longer a chore. It is a blessing.

Larissa x ___________________________________

Larissa is a wife, mum and avid Essential Oiler and Low Toxers. She is hugely passionate about helping women to create emotional and physical balance within their bodies without the use of chemical input. Larissa loves to teach low tox and oils classes and share how you can kick out harmful chemicals in all areas of your life.

Larissa is also a Natural therapist specialising in hot stone and raindrop massage (raindrop is the lightest, most therapeutic massage you will ever receive), body scanning and wholistic balancing. She is studying remedial massage this year.

Larissa's website is:

Her facebook page is: @Larissa Wright The Wholistic Wellness Hub

Her group is: @Inspiring Women taking risks and finding their voice. Larissa and her family attend Hillsong Norwest. _____________________________________

The Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs is a Sisterhood Community for The Vision Builders, Boundary Breakers, Passion Igniters; Called & Anointed To Shine In Their Uniqueness & God Given - Calling.

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